Aquarius Full Moon (part 1)

Friday, July 23’s full Moon at 1º Aquarius was noteworthy for a few reasons. First of all, who doesn’t love a full Moon?

Beyond that, this one was the first in a rare consecutive pair of full Moons in the same sign. They don’t occur in the same calendar month, but since the second (on August 22) will be the third of four full Moons in a single season, it’s a rare Blue Moon, which intensifies situations and relationships.

All full Moons are a time of completion and fulfillment, when actions and choices of the previous few weeks (or even several months) finally come together in one grand climax. Under the bright glow of this lunar phase, we have more clarity and greater vision about what our next move will be.

Full Moons are also highly personal because of the different houses they land in and the energies that get activated based on what they touch by angle. No matter what, this one-two punch will add oomph to your summer intentions, especially in the areas they're aspecting.

The first clue to how things could play out comes from the sign, Aquarius. Friday’s first full Moon is at 1º AQ 26', and as a full Moon, it’s directly opposite the Sun at that same degree of Leo.

The polarity here is about self and community. The Sun is the natural ruler of Leo, so it’s very comfortable beaming its loving, generous, expressive rays here. There's great support for all kinds of love and displays of affection.

The Aquarius Moon has a different energy. It’s not particularly emotional; in this fixed air sign, la Luna is mental, theoretical, strategic and highly principled, more concerned with the greater good than personal gain or glory.

Leo is about egos and our selves—how we give and receive love; create; parent; play. Aquarius represents groups, from social circles to communities to political alliances.

Find those signs in your chart. During Friday’s lunation, the Sun and Moon will be in one pair of houses, and during the second, they will likely have advanced one house. (If you’re not familiar with the areas of life each house rules, Google that.)

This rare and potentially galvanizing pair of full Moons invites you to reflect on some big life themes:

• Who’s your tribe?
• What’s your role in that group?
• How much do you give and take within it?
• When do you put yourself first; where do you give away your power?
• What would it take to bring all this into balance?

Now layer in the areas of life associated with the houses in your chart that the Sun and Moon fall in. What’s going in those realms? This is an invitation to stand in your own authority and follow the breadcrumbs to self-love… and if you can’t get quite there yet, set your GPS for self-acceptance, an important milestone along the way.

The second of the pair, on August 22, lands at the last degree of Aquarius, where the Sun-Moon will form a T-square (a stressful aspect that often forces action) with Sedna, a dwarf planet beyond Pluto whose significance is a subject of debate. I find Sedna a bridge between our human selves and our supernatural selves, and a reminder that “truth” is generally a matter of perspective.

And if we can choose our perspectives and thus our truths, then it stands to reason that with our minds, intentions and sustained actions, we can change our lives. Otherwise, there’d be no point in studying or practicing astrology, would there?


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