Shamanic Healing
There's been a tremendous uptick in the interest of shamanism over the past decade and, not surprisingly, an increase in confusion about what that even refers to. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual healing practice on the planet, dating back 40,000 years. In tribal societies, shamans were (and are) the healers, priests, shrinks and mystics. The Siberian word shaman means “one who sees in the dark,” which is a perfect metaphor for what we do. To shamanic practitioners, all disease and dysfunction is essentially a spiritual imbalance. Working in altered states of consciousness, we communicate with Spirit to address the nature and root of illness, download divine information, clear blocks, perform soul retrievals and conduct purpose-driven ceremonies.
I was trained and initiated in an ancient lineage (the Q’ero of the Peruvian High Andes) but with a wholly modern emphasis. After all, we're 21st-century beings! In this client-focused and results-oriented work, I become a bridge between you and higher healing energies.
All emotional memories are stored in the body, and together we clear and balance your energy centers (chakras); remove the blocks, cut cords and mobilize the stuck energy that’s holding you back from reaching your highest potential. In soul retrievals, we specifically seek to recover lost pieces of your psyche or soul that splintered off (“dissociated”) as a result of traumatic experiences, which we all have. When the lost pieces reintegrate, people describe finally feeling whole after a lifetime of being fragmented or “not all there.”By getting to know and then embracing our shadow, we embody the freedom to reach our highest potential. At the end of a session, we synthesize everything that's occurred, help you find concrete ways to turn your perceived weaknesses into strengths and vehicles for healing, and together create a new map for your future.
People immediately feel clearer, lighter, happier and more in touch with themselves. They are able to forgive, release, move on, welcome in new love, face their fears, accept their imperfections, shift unfulfilling relationships and make huge life changes.

Illumination is a core shamanic energy healing technique that’s based on ancient Inca practices. It induces profound relaxation, “cleanses” the chakras (energy centers), burns off toxic energy and removes physical and emotional blocks in the energy field. This can trigger radical and immediate change on emotional and behavioral levels—and help heal the immune system. These sessions are primarily about opening sacred space and “unwinding” the chakras to remove sludge and clear energetic blockages.

Soul Retrievals
Soul retrievals are another fundamental shamanic technique that has been practiced around the globe from time immemorial. Shamans believe that many (if not all) illnesses stem from soul loss, so retrieving missing pieces is a key to restoring health, happiness and wholeness. Everyone experiences some form of soul loss, whether through sexual, physical or emotional abuse; accidents, natural disasters, war, terror, or even divorce, surgery or loss of a loved one.
A Western psychologist might call a severe case of soul loss “dissociation.” Symptoms include depression, inconsolable grief, suicidal ideation, PTSD, addiction (to alcohol, drugs, food, work, sex, shopping) or a general discontentment with life. Shamans work in nonordinary reality, which to quantum physicists is becoming increasingly ordinary. Their “new” understanding of “nonlocality”—seemingly unrelated events being inextricably linked—is old news to shamans.
In a soul retrieval, I first do an intake with the client, then we lie down side by side. To the beat of drumming or rattling, I enter an altered state and journey to the Lower World of the unconscious for the client. After receiving permission, I seek out the original wounding and find the “soul contract” the client has subconsciously made to prevent the trauma from recurring. I “negotiate” what’s needed for the soul fragment to return, and then I bring that piece back, along with any gifts or spirit animals that want to come along. I blow all of those back into the client, allowing their energy to fill her field. Finally we discuss what we both experienced and how she can take her next steps. Soul retrievals can be done in person or remotely and generally take 30 to 60 minutes. For maximum benefit, I like to perform them in the context of an Illumination.

Extractions & Cord Cutting
When shamans work on a client’s field, they often find crystallized energetic imprints that need to be cleared. These generally come from old, blocked emotional patterns or traumas. Extractions can occur during an Illumination or, if the energy is deep or stuck, the imprint may need to be extracted manually. It’s a complicated process and different every time, but to simplify: By entering into an altered state of consciousness, I track your energy to find the obstruction or block (or entity) and use an appropriate means of removal, which could be a special Vogel crystal, a rattle, feather or my hands (“energetic touch”).
Once the block/obtrusion is removed, I refill the emptied space with the highest vibration of channeled light and “reweave” the energy field. Clients report feeling lighter, happier and more open after an extraction.
Many if not most of us have energetic “cords” that keep us bound to another person or negative behavior pattern. This is why we can break up with someone but never fully get over them. We may think we’ve “cut the cord,” but energetic connections still exist. By tracking your field, I find the cords, which could be anywhere on your body, and remove them energetically with a special Peruvian Q’ero tool that doesn’t pierce the physical body. Afterward, we discuss the experience and ways you can avoid slipping back into old patterns.