John Sandbach

Practical Magic & the Chandra Symbols

John Sandbach is one of those rare people who can claim that his astrology career is having its second Saturn return. Astrology has been his full-time profession since 1966, and over the decades, John has studied many styles, including traditional, psychological, esoteric, Kabbalistic, Arabian and Vedic. He’s also a novelist, painter and poet, and did extensive training in Gestalt therapy to communicate the energies of clients’ charts in the most therapeutic way possible. A primary passion of John’s is the astrological degrees. His book “The Circular Temple” is one of the most extensive and thorough books on this topic, based on channeled information he received over the course of 20 years. The best known are the Chandra symbols, but the three other sets (Azoth, Omega and Pleiadian) have sent people down deep rabbit holes, given that together they contain 1,440 symbols. John has also written a catalog of interpretations for 990 planetary containments as well as a book called “Planetary Pictures,” which explains the meaning of 1,274 midpoints. His most recent book, “Soul Journey Through the Tarot,” was published by Inner Traditions.

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Watch John’s summit interview below: