Clarissa Dolphin

Clarissa Dolphin

“Harmonic Astrology & Quantum Reality”

Clarissa Dolphin is a certified harmonic astrologer, writer and active researcher. She earned two B.A.s from the University of Pittsburgh and a Masters from University of the Arts London. She writes horoscopes for the Mountain Astrologer and is a Mystic Medusa locum. Clarissa has also been featured in the New York Times, the Career Astrologer, Dirty Laundry, Notion, the award-winning art magazine FAINT, and more. She's conducted breakthrough research on the lunar nodes, the quincunx, Arabic Parts and Chiron. Clarissa lectures, serves clients and the astrology community as president of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). Find out more at

FREE GIFT: “Harmonic Astrology 101 Cheat Sheet.” This handy guide to harmonic and planetary descriptions is normally reserved for students of Clarissa Dolphin's Harmonic Astrology 101 introductory class.


Watch our interview with Clarissa