“Activating Your Chart's Highest Potential”

Tom Jacobs is an evolutionary astrologer, energy worker, channel, and medium who supports people in coming out of pain and powerlessness and into acceptance, compassion, and empowerment. He offers consultations, coaching, tutoring, and courses. Intense personal curiosity led him to join Steven Forrest's Apprenticeship Program in 2004, the same year he began seeing clients. Tom combines advanced evolutionary astrology, the chakra system, symbolic sight, Akashic Records and information from clients’ spirit guides, an ascended master (Djehuty, aka Hermes, Thoth, St. Germain, Merlin) and Archangel Metatron. The commitment uniting all of his work is to reveal clients’ soul intentions using a range of tools to help people live in more alignment with those intentions.

Tom teaches both evolutionary astrology and channeling courses. His 17 books (both astrology and channeled works), three original natal reports (including on Lilith and Chiron) plus numerous home-study healing and astrology courses are available through his website, www.tdjacobs.com.

Tom runs a second site, www.healingsuicide.com, which offers information on the soul and its multi-life journey, has a mission to provide a healing perspective for those feeling overwhelmed by life and looking for a sense of meaning in the midst of pain, sorrow and more.

Free Gift: The introductory sections of my book “Saturn Returns: Thinking Astrologically.” It uses Saturn as an example of learning to think about an archetype in ways that help us live with it better, not fearing it. We can learn to understand the various possible expressions and choose the healthy ones, changing our experience of the planet, both natally and in transit/progression.