“Unlocking the Power of Jupiter's 2022 Tour of Pisces and Aries”

Samuel Reynolds once hated astrology more than other “occult” studies. At age 12, when he was a fundamentalist Baptist minister, he used religion to avoid astrology’s lessons. Later, at 23 years old and having his Jupiter return, he realized he mostly disliked astrology because he didn’t know what it all meant. Sam was born on the “cusp” of two signs and didn’t know which one he was. So he went to an astrologer. The astrologer’s uncanny insights into his life went beyond the pale of guesswork. Convinced it was all a trick, the newly minted atheist and academic spent the next 10 years doing charts and studying astrology himself. Today, 30 years later, his deepest love and life center around astrology. He consults, writes and teaches astrology full-time. He has written for Ebony, New York and Pride magazines, Tarot.com, Sasstrology.com, Moonology.com and the Mountain Astrologer. He’s also duked it out about astrology with Bill Nye the Science Guy on the first season of his “Bill Nye Saves the World” show and featured in Netflix’s “Explained” episode on astrology.

He also serves on a few astrology organizational boards, namely the board of directors for the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and the International Academy of Astrology (IAA). His life is a lesson on how you should watch what you hate. It might be the love of your life. https://www.unlockastrology.com

Free Gift: Inspired by Gary Chapman’s groundbreaking book, The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, Sam is sharing his talk about how those five love languages—gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch—are articulated in our astrological charts. Enjoy the free gift by clicking play on the audio below.