“Identifying Family Dynamics Through Astrology”

Mychal A. Bryan is a trained and certified NCGR Level III astrologer, writer, Hebrew calligrapher and clinical hypnotherapist based in Boston. For more than 17 years, he has been a student of the Western mystery tradition, with an emphasis on classical astrology, ancient Greek philosophy, Hermeticism, Kabbalah and the Tarot. He is known for his methodical approach to the practice of concrete event-based astrology and his uncommon ability to teach highly complex material in an understandable way. Coming from a rigorous classical training in both the arts and literature, he has built Oraculos School of Astrology (OSA), where his mission is to provide excellence in astrological education and to make it universally available. He is currently completing work on his first book, “The Foundations of Classical Astrology,” set to publish in the summer of 2023. https://www.oraculosastrology.com

Free Gift: OSA Essential Dignities Table, a custom-made table of essential dignities and debilities that will help you calculate the strength of the various planets in your chart so you can see how strong they are to help you in fulfilling your destiny in this lifetime.

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