“Conscious Awakening With Help From the Planets”

Linda Kubota Byrd has been an astrologer and personal growth consultant for more than 25 years. Her passion is bringing a comprehensive, practical approach to integrating astrology into everyday life. As a Consciousness Awakening Coach, she draws on her background in evolutionary, experiential and transformational astrology and often uses EFT, Heart-Assisted Therapy, NLP and Stargate Inner Child work in her international practice. She is a member of OPA, ISAR, NCGR and ACEP as well as a returning guide for the Astrology Hub’s 2022 Cancer Moon. Linda has had the honor of presenting at the London School of Astrology and other online conferences and was on the faculty of the Stormie Grace YouTube Academy as well. She’s appeared on Good Day Sacramento, livestreams with the Stargate Experience Academy, contributes to the Mountain Astrologer magazine and is president of NCGR Sacramento. https://consciousawakeningcoach.com

Free Gift: “Trusting Your Inner Knowing Through the Lens of Astrology.” This 40-minute video was recorded for the Simply Happy Woman Conference on Valentine's Day 2020. It's about astrology described in a practical way: How it shows up in your everyday world and how you can spot the differences between people. There's an emphasis on Venus and how we give and receive love, even what kind of gifts the different signs might like. It ends with eight tips for accessing and trusting your innate inner knowing.