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“Sacred Sexuality and Self-Mastery”

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Aurika Valan

Aurika Valan is a women’s sexuality coach and facilitator of transformational spaces. She sees sexuality as a direct path to embodied self-love, extraordinary relationships and consciously creating our reality. Her deepest soul calling is to enable people to experience the unfiltered essence of their Truth and awaken consciousness in their sexuality.

When not facilitating workshops, Aurika’s main line of work is one-on-one and group coaching for women ready to undergo a full life transformation that entails change at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. As women embody their authentic sexuality, this new layer of awareness also permeates all other areas in their lives. 

Aurika speaks five languages fluently and offers coaching programs in English and Lithuanian. She currently resides in Bali, where she is writing a book on how integrating our sexuality is the missing piece in humanity's embodied, whole-istic spiritual awakening.

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