Working with Divine Timing
with VerDarLuz

VerDarLuz | Astrology and Shamanism Summit | Stars and Stones Healing
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About VerDarLuz

VerDarLuz is a Shamanic Astrologer, Human Design analyst, life coach and multimedia artist and musician who’s based in Colorado and is sometimes a digital nomad, having traveled to 40 countries. He is the creator of the Divine Timing Online School and the Art of Partnership webinar course, and has written two books on astrology and consciousness, Codex of the Soul and Aquarius Dawns.

In his professional practice, VerDarLuz awakens clients to the evolutionary journey of their soul utilizing shamanic techniques including Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design, dance, Qi Kong, sacred sexuality, past-life therapy, ecstatic breathwork and time-mapping, all to empower, inspire and fulfill their creative life mission. He helps clients strategize the when and where of life with optimal time-mapping and astro-locality power places, as well as the who in their life by guiding them in harmonic relating in both love and business.


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