Saturn Rx & a Gemini New Moon!

In a perfect case of two steps forward, one step back… this upcoming week has us looking forward and rearward almost at the same time, and we may not know whether to advance, retreat, or slither under the covers.

Late spring and summer—in the northern hemisphere—is often thought of as retrograde season because all the planets that (seemingly) reverse direction annually do so now. Mercury’s on its own thrice-yearly schedule, of course, because of its proximity to the Sun and the shape of its orbit.

This year Pluto kicked off the retrograde parade (May 1) and just last week back-flipped into Capricorn, a cusp it’ll traverse several times before landing in Aquarius for 20 years and bringing hope and despair in equal measure. (You get to choose how you’ll react to it, but I strongly recommend choosing hope!)

On Saturday, June 17, Saturn follows suit, turning heel at 7º Pisces and backing up to the first degree of the last sign. This may add even more WTF befuddlement around doing things the Saturn way—cautiously, methodically, slow-and-steadily, sustainably—versus going with the Piscean flow of spontaneity and going where Spirit (or your emotions) lead you.

But the real gift of Saturn in Pisces is bringing that masterful planet’s discipline, rigor and stick-with-it-ness to all Piscean pursuits. You might call it grounding your woo in practicality. It’s a time to, for example, type up all your notes from all those classes and webinars and organize them by category. Or finish those spiritual books on your nightstand. Or commit to making your meditation practice a daily ritual. Heck, maybe you’ll start charging for Tarot or astrology readings.

That all describes the two-and-a-half-year journey of Saturn in Pisces, but what about Saturn retrograde there? Retrogrades are a time to review and reconsider, perhaps to redo and reinvent. Rather than rush into something you haven’t fully thought through, take these next four and a half months to deeply reflect on their soundness. Good questions to ask include: Is this realistic? How will I sustain it? What is needed to launch it and then grow it? Who will benefit from this? How can I do it even better?

And a Gemini new moon sparks your genius…

Then on Sunday—just after midnight EDT, morning in Europe, and happy hour Down Under (and late evening Saturday on the US west coast)—we might get the tingles from the year’s only Gemini New Moon.

Consider the Sabian Symbol for that degree: “A young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at far cities,” which has been interpreted to signify “growth of consciousness from the instinctual to the intellectual. Anticipation and mounting self-confidence. Deep longing.”

New Moons are associated with sowing seeds with the expectation that something mighty will sprout from them. Mutable air sign Gemini has to do with the interconnections between people and groups, with ideas, and communicating and expanding on them. Gemini energy is more about sampling a wide variety rather than committing to any one thing. Its great gifts are curiosity and intelligence. Its shadow qualities are fickleness, chattiness and inconsistency.

So as sober Saturn stations retrograde and the inspirational vibes of the Gemini New Moon spark creativity—both just days before the Sun enters Cancer, marking the summer solstice—reflect on what you’d like to bring to form, invent or shore up. What are your great gifts that you haven’t yet shared with the world?

As I always remind people during readings, having a strong, clear vision that you’re passionate about is absolutely key—it’s the first big step to fulfilling your life or soul purpose. And that must be supported with committed action. But there’s another important component, and that’s being ever-vigilant of how shadow, usually in the form of false or limiting beliefs, can undermine your best efforts.

Looking ahead while peering over your shoulder can be a bit disorienting. But Saturn reversing through Pisces might just be the perfect energy to support that!


Neptune stations retrograde


Ready, Aim, Bull's-eye!