Pisces Season

Dear Friends and Fellow Seekers,

Pisces season is upon us, helping us "close the books" on another zodiac year and start planting the seeds we want to sprout in the next one, which begins on March 20, aka the first day of Aries. Regardless of your sun sign, these next three-plus weeks are prime time for clearing house, letting go and moving on.

The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions yet bound together by an unbreakable cord. The Pisces among you innately understand that inner tug of war. But on a deeper level, as the last of the 12 signs, it also symbolizes the cycles of life and death—or really, birth and rebirth. (For what is "death" but transformation?)

Pisces rules the twelfth house of the zodiac wheel, where things dissolve and regenerate. Qualities we ascribe to this house and sign (and its ruler, nebulous Neptune) are endings, transitions, dreams, imagination, creativity, intuition, spontaneous healing, the divine, the mystical, the magical, the impossible. It's also associated with escape, addiction, fantasy, madness and secret enemies. See why so many find Pisces inscrutable!

I was taught and completely believe that all the signs have something to teach the rest of us. And I have learned at the feet of true Pisces masters! (There's a little astro-humor there, as Pisces rules the feet.) A short list of those teachers of mine includes my mother (double Pisces), my son (incalculably Pisces), four exes, and many super-close friends. These wise old souls have taught me to loosen up on my reins and let things flow; that manifesting doesn't happen by willful pushing; that we need to get out of our own way and align with greater forces; and when all those cosmic cherries line up, we hit the jackpot. For the record, not all of my Pisces teachers are aware of this curriculum. Sometimes we learn by watching others flounder—sorry, bad fish pun!

During these four weeks of introspection, rumination and catch and release, we are all invited to take spiritual inventory. What are you still trying to "reel in" to your life, what are you struggling to let go of? And—the real question—what's getting in your way? The other embossed invitation of Pisces season is to shift out of our manic, driven, goal- and self-oriented Western mindset and discover how it feels to feel our way through, as if we're wandering in pitch darkness. True, we might stumble. Yes, we might fall. But in the process, we may also stumble upon a way to fall into rhythm with our wiser selves. And by becoming entrained to a higher wisdom, we might finally figure out how the law of attraction really works.

Questions? Comments? Insights? I'd love to hear from you. And if you'd like your very own personal astrological consultation, just drop a line. (Drop a line: Get it??)


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