Lion's Gate 8-8 New Moon in Leo!

Have you been feeling this intense energy? It’s like we’re all plugged into some crazy cosmic agitator and no one can find the off switch.

There is a lot going on, and I’m not just talking about virulent virus variants, breakthrough infections and global political unrest. (Although, that!) The heavens are snap-crackle-and-popping with activating energy.

I want to focus on one specific transit: the Leo new moon on Sunday, 8-8. And while it was just (“just!”) a one-day event, it’s a culmination of celestial forces that have been building for weeks and will continue to offer huge opportunities for shedding and manifesting through at least the end of August if not for another several MONTHS!

Adding even more oomph is the fixed star Sirius, aka the Dog Star and the brightest object in our night sky. Sirius is a star among stars, considered a transmitter of auspicious qualities from fame to passion to creativity, all of which are (coincidentally?) associated with Leo and its natural zodiac house, the fifth.

Sirius’ orbit is approximate to the Earth’s, and every July 28 to August 12, it aligns with the Sun and the Earth and illuminates the morning sky ahead of the actual Sun, the natal ruler of Leo.

The peak moment comes on August 8, when the Lion’s Gate between the physical and spiritual realms opens, revealing a potent “portal” into dimensions beyond our normal state of consciousness.

People who work with energy, deep states of meditation, hypnosis, ascension, shamanism or channeled guides and are attuned to these vibrations find the Lion’s Gate a giant “up-leveling” and a chance to accelerate their own ascension.

So…are you a proud Lion, or do you have a thorn in your paw?

There are many ways to channel Leo energy, most of which are very high-vibe and inspirational. Who doesn’t love the fifth house, which is the domain of (among other things) love! Romance! Children! And playfulness, humor, taking chances, making art, expressing oneself without inhibition, and learning to truly embody self-love.

While the lower expressions can bring vanity, selfish willfulness and narcissism, like Scrooge, once we realize that those qualities don’t bring happiness, we’ve taken the first step to transformation.

We lucky Earthlings get a new moon every month, and they are beautiful moments to reflect on everything we’re grateful for as well as what we’re ready to release and call in as we spiral into the next lunar cycle. It’s a time of incipience, of becoming. One astrologer called it a cosmic vision board, a perfect image for what we’re committed to manifesting.

There’s no better sign for that than Leo, the creator and procreator of the zodiac. At its best, Leo fearlessly bellows her thunderous roar, announcing to the world “I am!” Leo is a natural leader and entertainer, and when you’re sad or feeling like an inert puddle, Leo can help you reconnect to the love in your heart, which is your secret weapon. When all else fails, Leo will make you laugh till you cry or, if you’ve had kids, till you pee yourself.

A lot of people are feeling their wounds these days—a protracted pandemic can do that to a planet. But it’s only when we acknowledge those wounds that we can begin to truly heal. This might be the greatest promise of 8-8… An 8 on its side is the symbol for infinity, of the ceaseless flow of the soul through lifetimes, sometimes “up,” sometimes “down,” but always seeking balance.

Speaking of the soul’s flow through lifetimes, I’m going to be giving a live Zoom talk next Saturday for the Tucson Astrologers’ Guild, and you’re invited! It’s only $15 for non-members, and I’ll be speaking about astrology and karma. Yes, we’ll cover the lunar nodes, but I’ve come to think of everything in our charts as a karmic indicator. Have your chart handy, and learn to find, as the great evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest has dubbed it, “the chart behind the chart.”


Uranus is turning retrograde!


Did someone say BOOM?