How to make the most of Mercury retrograde

Did you feel it? Mercury flipped into retrograde Sunday at 10:10pm PT, which is 1:10am ET Monday. I realize that sentence strikes terror in the hearts and minds of many people, especially those of us whose work requires sharp focus and clear communication.
But let me assure you right now: Your hard drive probably won’t crash, you (probably) won’t lose your cell phone on a crosstown bus, and your toxic ex (probably) won’t come back and mess up your entire life.*
*Legal disclaimer: Of course, any of those things could happen.
Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap, and I have to say, often deservedly. Every four months, like clockwork, I do notice an uptick in tech glitches and other things that fall into Mercury’s bailiwick (eg, communication, transportation, scheduling and technology). And lots of people report feeling like they’re stuck in “Mercury retrograde purgatory” too.
The upside(s) of Mercury retrograde
There are a few important things to bear in mind when Mercury goes retrograde. First: Do you know the expression “What you focus on expands”?
It’s partly human psychology—like how you don't notice how many Amazon Prime vans are on the road until you’re waiting for an important delivery—and it’s partly the Law of Attraction. You might say the LoA in reverse because with Mercury retrograde, it’s often what you don’t want to happen!
A suggestion for that: Before Mercury shifts into reverse—today!—do a little shifting inside your own mind. Spend some time on your “meditation cushion,” whether you actually sit, walk, cycle, or whatever you do to induce the relaxation response. Journal, or devote a few brain cells to the exercise.
And reflect on this: Where are you expecting things to go wrong? Is there a secret "benefit" to that? How might you be blocking something fabulous from coming to you? Is there fear around this? Or maybe a sense of unworthiness? (Ouch.)
If you’re a Type-A who’s always striving, pushing, going and grabbing for what you desire, during this retrograde, try doing the opposite. What would happen if you set your intentions and energetically called them to you, but then, exerted a little less and allowed the Divine a chance to work its magic?
The other really important thing to remember about this retrograde (until Oct. 18), is that because Mercury is the planet of thought, speech and social interaction, when it’s off-course, it provides a rare and rich opportunity to turn inward instead of outward.
What brilliant wisdom is already stored in your own hard drive, just waiting to be downloaded and listened to? When we’re always looking outward for these pearls and filling our lives with so much noise and chatter, I promise you, we are missing out on priceless insights.
Interestingly, during this “pivot” period, three planets that’ve been retrograde for four to five months will correct course: first Pluto on the 6th (also a Libra new moon), then Saturn on the 10th and Jupiter several hours before Mercury does, on the 18th.
So even as you’re turning your gaze inward and reviewing and reevaluating circumstances, choices and interactions of the past four months, certain things that had stalled since the spring may jolt back to life.

The houses in your natal chart being activated by these direction-changing planets are key, as are the natal planets they aspect and house cusps they cross. These provide clues to what new or revitalized relationships and initiatives are poised to become major themes in your life over next seven months.
And that new moon on October 6—smack in the middle of Mercury’s retrograde—is supercharged because firestarter Mars will be exactly conjunct the Sun and moon at 13º Libra. And they’re all opposing healing Chiron, which is an invitation to gently and lovingly look at what in you is longing for some TLC.
Whether “Big-T Trauma” or “little-t trauma”: We’ve all got wounds and scars and tender spots. October is a beautiful month for self-awareness followed by self-care. But to gain that awareness, first we need to unplug, get still, and listen deeply. And when you’re ready, maybe it’s time for an astrology reading…?!


Libra New Moon is 2x the love energy!


A Magical Harvest Moon