A rare second Aquarius full moon...

Sunday’s full moon at the last degree of Aquarius, in the fleeting hours of Leo Season 2021, was a big deal for a lot of a people for a lot of reasons.

Stating the obvious first: It was the second consecutive Aquarius full moon, which is an exceedingly rare occurrence. Full moons occur every 30 days, and there are only 30 degrees in a sign. So for a sign to “host” back-to-back full moons, the first has to fall on the first day of that sign and the second on the last.

And that’s what we’ve got now. Rareness, and possibly “special opportunities.”

Then there’s the fact that this one falls at the 29th degree—the last, or anaretic, point. This is the portal from one sign into the next, which offers a taste of how those disparate energies “fuse.”

The moon changes signs every two and a half days, so it glides over the anaretic point 12 times every month, but the Sun only does so once a month.

For them to be aligned at this point suggests that inherent in the day’s vibration is the potential for some big teachings, opportunities or shifts, which could be toward or away from something.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Saturn, both of which are retrograde, meaning neither is expressing itself fully. Plus they’re spending 2021 moving in and out of a tense 90º square to each other, challenging individual and societal paradigms and creating a volatile and dynamic backdrop to life on the planet.

Full moons are intriguing because the Sun and moon are always in diametrically opposed signs. And in astrology, the 180º opposition underscores that polarity and highlights a need to, or let’s say a chance to integrate the best qualities of each sign.

Leo is about generosity and self-expression, self-love, creativity, passion and playfulness. Its highest teaching for all the signs is about authenticity and the courage to shine without letting it turn into an ego-palooza.

Aquarius is the sign of peers and friend groups, social activism and reform, futurist thinking and technology, revolution, freedom and nonconformity.

As the celestial “lights” move into their second opposition in Aquarius this year, and as Aquarian themes are playing out on the world stage, we are invited to reflect on how we’re experiencing these themes and this tension in our personal lives since we are what “society” is composed of!

Leo is about the freedom to express one’s true authentic self, and Aquarius represents “freedom for all.” Make no mistake: We must never take our liberty and the privilege to pursue our goals and dreams for granted.

There’s a flip side to this heady freedom, and it’s responsibility. When we live in a democratic, “free” country, it’s up to every one of us to defend those freedoms—and not just for ourselves, our loved ones and people who look and think like we do.

Freedom is always diminished when any of our brothers or sisters are not permitted to pursue their goals and dreams.

This weekend, will you join me in calling upon the most sublime expression of this Leo/Aquarius vibrational fusion? Let’s take a couple minutes to send a prayer, or loving energy, to the planet and those who are oppressed or in pain, for whatever reason.

And then, in your own way, offer gratitude for this life of beauty and bounty. For even the challenges are for our own growth and evolution. We truly are in this together.


A Magical Harvest Moon


Uranus is turning retrograde!