A Prayer to Pluto Upon Entering Aquarius

O Pluto, Great Lord of the Underworld, of death, destruction and rebirth, of power and passion, of secrets and mysteries, of obsession and transformation, we kneel before You, trembling at Your awesome ingress into Aquarius.

O King of the Uncounted Legions of the Dead, of terror and dictators, of sex and seduction, of alibis and abductions, of outlaws and detectives, of corruptions and cadavers, while we come and go as fleeting shadows across this Earthly Realm, You, O Dark Lord, are eternal in Your watching, and waiting, for all of us shall surely one day make Your acquaintance.

O Rich Father, we beseech You now to grant us sight in the darkness, to instill in us an unshakeable belief that endings are part of the cycle—yea, even the loss of hope—and that this too shall not only pass but stand as proof that we are Birthing a New Beginning.

O Mighty Son of Cronus and Rhea and husband of Persephone, answer our paltry prayers that You indeed have a plan, a noble vision, and that this time of fear and loathing and divisiveness is actually the first tremor of labor pains as we the Collective birth a New Humanity.

O Unseen One whose wrath is yet manifest, do not test us beyond our endurance. Grant us safe passage through this dark and fearsome corridor and into a new life as a truly Free and Compassionate Earth Family.

Dear Illustrious King of Those Below, hear now this prayer—not as a solo voice crying in the wilderness but of thousands strong, nay millions and countless millions more.

O Kingly One, Your children here have invested our hopes and dreams and prayers for a resplendent future as You finally cross the threshold of Gloomy Capricorn into Visionary Aquarius. We fear for our investment.

We have sat in circle, linked arms, melded hearts and prayed and chanted and drummed and danced and sweated and sang and shed tears to usher in this longed-for era of free-thinking humanitarianism, of caring community, of smart and salubrious use of innovation and technology, of peaceful explorations of space, and support for the human collective to expand our consciousness and live in peace and freedom.

Yea, we are aware that it is darkest before the dawn, and that we must experience the wound and the shadow wholly and viscerally before we can truly heal and transcend.

Still and yet, O Mysterious Dark Lord, many of Your children feel the sting of betrayal and see the light of our lanterns dimming. What Source of Light shall we seek when we are thrust into total Darkness?

We know that Light, that Eternal Immanent Flame, resides within and that the only way to access it is on our own inner journey. We pray to You, O Invisible Prince, to guide and support us on our quest and give us signs that this dark night will yet reveal a glorious dawn.


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