Reasons to Be Cheerful (Yes, Now!)
with Sally Kirkman

Sally Kirkman | Astrology and Shamanism | Stars and Stones Healing
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About Sally Kirkman

Sally Kirkman is an astrologer and author with more than 30 years’ experience. She began her career as a media astrologer writing horoscopes for top UK magazines and newspapers. In 2011, Sally launched her online astrology business, where she continues to publish in-depth monthly horoscopes and write a lively astrology blog. Astrology readings are at the heart of her practice, and she works with clients globally, helping them use the power of astrology to lead better lives and make guided decisions. In 2017, Hodder & Stoughton commissioned Sally to write their Twelve Astrology Titles. These popular sun sign books became the best-selling gift item at Anthropologie. Sally produces a monthly astrology podcast with the Oxford Astrologer, has her own YouTube channel and runs regular astrology webinars and workshops. She remains passionate about passing on the wisdom of astrology to help you make sense of your life and find meaning in our modern world.

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