Libra New Moon is 2x the love energy!

Do you feel like all of a sudden, everything is happening at once? It’s true. There’s a lot of big, transformational energy afoot, and the best thing we can do is learn to do is surf it.

Wednesday, October 6 marks both the year’s only Libra new Moon (7:05am ET) and the return of alchemical Pluto to forward motion (2:29pm).

New Moons are times of beginnings, and Libra of course is the sign of love, romance and partnership. Sweet!

But… the Sun and Moon are also exactly conjunct warrior Mars at 13º Libra, where he's in “detriment” because he rules Libra’s opposite sign of Aries. In peacekeeping Libra, macho Mars feels defenseless and can get mean, angry and passive-aggressive.

As Pluto rights itself and begins a seven-month forward journey, it’s in a tense and activating square with the female warrior, Eris. Pluto and Mars are the co-rulers of intense, gloves-off, vengeful Scorpio. Lovey-dovey? Uh, more like watch your back.

Not all fresh starts are meant to be easy—that can breed indifference and complacency, and who wants that? Ok, after 19 months of pandemic pandemonium, we're probably all feeling like a little peace and quiet and ease wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

But if we seek growth—and wisdom and strength and a deeper connection to Spirit—we can’t go looking for shortcuts. That will only raise the stakes the next time around.

Between this New Moon and the Aries Full Moon on October 20, three more planets will station direct: First Saturn on October 10 and then Jupiter and Mercury on October 17-18 depending where you live.

All this planetary forward progress should result in you feeling less…stuck, stagnant, unmotivated, powerless…than you may have over the past five months. Retrogrades slow things down (or bring them to a standstill), but they also create an opportunity for review and reflection, something we don’t do often enough in our busy lives.

What great epiphanies have you had since last May? And now that the things are moving ahead again, what do you intend to do about that? Whatever you’ve cooking up, please do something. You’ll feel so good once it gains traction!


A Bullish Lunar Eclipse!


How to make the most of Mercury retrograde