A Bullish Lunar Eclipse!

If you think full moons are pretty powerful all by themselves, just wait to see what (this past) unfolds from this Friday’s partial lunar eclipse (3:57am ET), the longest in a millennium, lasting an incredible six hours—more than triple the average duration.

I translate that as the universe saying, Pay attention to this one!

With the Sun wrapping its annual tour of Scorpio and the Moon exactly opposite at 27º14 Taurus, this is the first eclipse since 2014 to land on that axis, kicking off a two-year cycle that will activate the areas of life those intense signs are associated with. (The December 4 solar eclipse will be the last to land in Sagittarius/Gemini.)

So what might we all expect? Full moons are the apex of the monthly lunar cycle, bringing things to completion or signaling turning points. Lunar eclipses famously bring things out of hiding—especially anything that had previously been “eclipsed” or obscured (or intentionally ignored).

Eclipses can also function like the Joker in a deck of cards: a wild card that gets played unexpectedly, and abruptly changes the whole game. Taurus and Scorpio are “fixed” signs (very fixed signs), meaning they don’t budge easily, which, to partners of some Bulls and Scorpions, is an LOL understatement. But to their credit, those signs don’t give up on you either.

Put those things together and you get something akin to that perennial physics conundrum: What happens when an irresistible force meets an unmovable object?

Taurus and Scorpio are also both very physical: Taurus more romantic and sensual and Scorpio more passionate and sexual. Both have an affinity for security: financial, emotional and physical. Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house—your money, your stability and your values—and Scorpio rules the eighth house, the realm of shared resources and “other people’s money.”

You can look forward to the volume getting cranked up on those themes over the coming few weeks, six months—even the next two years.

How will this affect you personally? Check where the very late degrees of Taurus and Scorpio fall in your natal chart. Think about the areas of life associated with those houses. Pay attention to what you're seeking to change in those areas of your life, then start pouring your energy into that. I'm sure you've heard the saying, What you focus on expands.

But we’re not talking about “painting the living room walls” kind of change, oh no. With Scorpio calling the plays, we’re talking about nothing less than deep and radical transformation.

Of the many other noteworthy aspects in the sky right now, here’s a biggie: The Sun and Moon are forming a tense T-square to Jupiter, the cosmic magnifying glass.

Now, we love Jupiter and the optimism, bounty, growth and excitement he can’t help but bring to the party. But even the Jovial one has a shadow side, and this three-way square is a caution to not go too big too fast or get so fluffed with confidence that you don’t do the necessary reality checks. That’s not the same as recoiling in fear or playing small; it’s just a well-timed cue to “right-size” your actions over the coming half-year.

Remember, this isn’t happening to you. You are participating in this sweeping personal revolution every step of the way, whether you’re aware of it or not. (And quite possibly whether you like it or not.) Let that inspire you to keep doing your utmost to wake up to more and more truths about yourself and the life you’ve created for yourself thus far.

Let that also inspire you to be courageous enough to let go of what’s not serving you and passionately pursue what you truly desire. You know what you want—or at least what you don’t want. What’s stopping you from going for it? (Easy answer, and it’s always the same: You are!)

But it’s not just about you! Everything you do to raise your vibration goes into the kitty to up-level humanity’s collective frequency. Jupiter in Aquarius is the community organizer for our global citizenry. And his message is to stay conscious, take bold risks for what you stand for, and never forget we’re all in this together, bound together by invisible yet inviolable monkey ropes.

PS: Around midday (ET), the Moon conjuncts the karmic North Node, suggesting that whatever game is afoot, it’s not a trivial pursuit. Like the universe said, Pay attention to this one!

PPS: Since eclipses can shine a light on what’s been secreted, this is a perfect opportunity for a first-time or follow-up reading. Let’s unravel some mysteries together!


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