
You’ve probably heard something about a rather significant sync-up that’s happening this weekend: the uncommon convergence of Jupiter and Uranus, two of the zodiac’s heaviest hitters. While they meet up in the sky every 13-14 years, they haven’t crossed paths in Taurus in 83 years, meaning this is something worth paying attention to.

On Saturday, April 20—or 4/20 to most of us North Americans, and the wink-winkiness of that number is lost on few of us—Jupiter and Uranus meet up at 21º Taurus 50’ at 10:27pm EDT, which of course is Sunday morning in Europe and points east.

This conjunction sets into motion an energetic vibration that’s vastly more powerful than either of the two alone. This potential synergy has the astrological world a’tingle, and for good reason.

When slower-moving planets like these align, the kinetic energy that’s been building up gets released. And these two travel at an unhurried pace: not Pluto-slow, but their transits are less frequent and therefore more impactful.

Jupiter, the gas giant that’s five times the size of Earth, spends roughly a year in each sign over the course of its 12-year solar orbit. Uranus has an 84-year orbit, logging seven years in a sign. One of its descriptors is “side-spinning” because its equator is practically at a right angle to its orbital path. No wonder it's so eccentric!

It’s not so much their size that’s meaningful but their archetypal emanations. And when they fuse those energies, it’s palpable, especially if you have any natal planets or major points between 19 and 22 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. (Even if you don’t, this will likely affect you somehow; look to the house containing 22º Taurus.)

Working with this energy

How to make sense of the potential gifts (and lessons) this conjunction might bestow? First, let’s interpret it in a mundane, “universal” way by thinking about the three sets of keywords associated with Jupiter, Uranus and Taurus.

It would be impossible (or just boring) to list every conceivable quality, so let’s consider the most common. Kingly Jupiter is about expansiveness, growth, optimism, education, authenticity, adventure, freedom, confidence, risk-taking, luck, spontaneity and spirituality. It’s visionary (and cocky) enough to believe it can suss out “the truth.”

Uranus can seem to overlap a bit—in its raw candor, dispassionate objectivity, and focus on liberation—but their essences are quite dissimilar. Uranus is innovative, futuristic, avant-garde, unpredictable, electrifying, original, tech-savvy, rebellious and shocking. It’s uninterested in methodology. Its mission to jolt us awake.

As the modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus also represents community, particularly high-minded ones where people speak up for what’s fair and right and take to the streets if necessary. Uranus isn’t afraid of smashing a few idols in its quest for equality.

Coupled with world-citizen Jupiter, Uranus could reignite passionate grassroots organizations that amplify the people’s voice and can get things done because it blasts through the red tape. This could be an echo of the 1960s, when Uranus was conjunct Pluto and nothing could be kept under wraps, especially here in the United States.

And then there’s Taurus, neither planet’s happy place. Where Jupiter and Uranus want to expand and act without constraint in their pursuit of independence, Taurus very much stays in its lane and minds its manners. It’s a grounded, practical earth sign: dependable, sustaining, stabilizing, cautious. It prefers routines and comfort to exotic escapades (well, ok, glamping), proceeds at a slow and steady pace (unlike Jupiter and Uranus’ unpredictable lightning-bolt rapidity), is a great manager of resources and a master of sensual delights.

What might get sparked by this cosmic curry? On the mundane (or global-event level), expect the unexpected, lol. In light of recent seismic and climatic activity, I hesitate to even suggest more earthquakes, tsunamis or extreme expressions of weather.

So instead, I propose we choose to hold the vision of positive manifestations of these archetypal energies: technological breakthroughs, progressive educational reform, advocacy for religious freedom and tolerance, transcending political and legal stalemates, taking courageous risks in the name of independence and equality, and rewriting antiquated rulebooks.

Some people refer to rare alignments like this, also major lunations, as gateways and portals, and I think that’s a useful image. These cosmic “openings” can portend a turning point for individuals and the collective to dramatically shift direction—or paradigms—and usher in a new dimension of existence. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but if this resonates with you, take it to heart.

This time it's personal

Me, I’m much more interested in how you’ll experience this. Not “how it will affect you” because you’re not a passive receiver incapable of interacting. Actually, the way I prefer to frame it is, “What unprecedented growth opportunities is this conjunction offering to your human life and your immortal soul?”

A bit clunky, but that really is the whole point of learning the symbolic language of astrologicy and making the most of planetary movements and cycles. Start by finding where the conjunction will “hit” in your natal chart (21º Ta 50). Use whichever house system you’re most comfortable with. Make a note of which house it falls in and which planets or points (lunar nodes, Black Moon Lilith, ascendant, midheaven) it angles … I’d give it a two-degree orb. Wider than that you might feel it, but, as my father used to say, it’s like kissing your sister.

Then get ready to make a layer cake.

Feel around for clues: Do you have anything in Taurus, or near 22º in Virgo or Capricorn? This brings support for radical action related to the natal potential. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and Jupiter rules Pisces and Sagittarius. What do you have in those signs? Feel how this conjunction might be activating those instincts. Then look for any and all planetary connections to help you turn your napkin sketch into a 120-page screenplay. (Netflix series!)

And consider your personal timeline. At 24, 36, 48 (and every 12 years thereafter), you’re in a Jupiter-return year: an auspicious time. Somewhere between 42 and 44, you’ll experience your Uranus opposition, which most people describe as unsettling, disruptive and sometimes excruciating, but on the other side lies the promise of a very different and more aligned lifestyle. But the deal with Uranus (like Pluto) is that something has to get sacrificed to the gods in the bargain.

Are you close to 63? That’s your closing Uranus-Uranus square, a time of (re-)reckoning with your life circumstances. Of course there are other important generational transit,s and they need to be synthesized, but to honor this conjunction, I’m only focusing on Jupiter and Uranus.

And then there’s the single most important consideration (IMO): What do you want? What is needed to get you from [where you are now] to [where you want to be]? How badly do you crave it? What are you willing to sacrifice for that vision?

We’re talking about nothing less than your personal vision quest: your self-proclaimed mission, your wildest dream.

The sad truth about writing a newsletter—writing anything, really—is that your reading these words won’t actually help you in the least. Oh sure, you might get inspired and do some small proactive thing… for a week. Without sustained support, community and accountability, we all snap back to our default settings.

When the intention is to support and facilitate your healing, more than words are needed. Something has to ignite your passion—and keep it burning hot. But that takes mental rewiring and an action plan to prevent slipping into old patterns. Sometimes it’s hard to find the time and energy to honor our commitment.

That just means chasing the vision is less urgent than avoiding discomfort. Fear, sadly, is the number one human motivator—a far greater stimulus than hope. It’s part of our survival instinct, something you hear a lot about.

How come there’s no such word as “thrival,” as in a thrival instinct: the innate drive to flourish and prosper?

That’s my hope for what this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction can bring: Lean into it and it can amplify and electrify your thrival instinct. Jupiter says, “If a little is enough, more is better.” Uranus accomplishes its mission by any means necessary. It doesn’t care how you feel about something. It’s on the clock until you wake up and realize that enlightenment is in the palm of your hand. And always has been.


Total solar eclipse Aries