Ready, Aim, Bull's-eye!

As we head into the weekend, the headline news is the new moon/solar eclipse at 12º Sagittarius. This is like your own altar, prayer beads and genie lamp all rolled into one!

New moons in general are our monthly time to hit refresh, set new intentions and take baby steps toward them. And some of us actually act on that—sometimes.

Solar eclipses, on the other hand, are Space X missions that don’t need a permission slip to go where no (wo)man has gone before.

We typically have two solar eclipses a year, occurring when the Sun and Moon are aligned and very close to one of the two lunar nodes, which are points (not planets) that speak of karma and purpose.

All eclipses are significant because they supercharge our intentions and can fire up our will. But while they can switch on our pilot light, we get to keep it lit!

Sagittarius New Moon (Saturday, 2:43 am ET)

This one is extra special because not only is it a turbo-charged opportunity for a fresh launch, but it’s the last in an 18-month series that’s been taking place in Sag and Gemini.

Those previous eclipses had a special meaning depending on where they landed (ie, what they activated) in your chart. In a more general sense, the significance of those signs’ polarity has to do with learning, communicating, exploring and going big in anything (in everything)!

For the past year and a half, there’s a been a slow-burning flame under how we think, gather knowledge, integrate it, share it and begin to formulate some juicy notions of our own. Sagittarius is the sign of authentic expression; of growth, of taking risks; of truth, justice and liberation. (Normally I’d include “travel,” but, well, you know.)

Still, there are many ways to widen our horizons. Even if you never left your county, you surely grew. So in the spirit of this new moon that's both a beginning and an ending, I invite you to write down all the ways you expanded, explored, adventured, learned valuable new things—or taught them!—and how you've put your own visionary ideas into the world.

That, to me, is the blessing we want to be sure to extract before we fully transition into the Taurus/Scorpio cycle. We had our first taste of that on November 19 with the lunar eclipse at 27º Taurus.

This next eclipse cycle is a chance to take those big, bold, brilliant ideas and embody them and build them out (Taurus) and to go deeper with them (looking at you, Scorpio!). Gemini whipped up heady notions; Sag is giving you one final poke in the ribs to supersize it, and now Taurus and Scorpio will see just how real and intense you can get.

It’s a little paradoxical that this new-beginning energy is simultaneously an ending, a kind of last hurrah for those big hairy audacious dreams and schemes. And so on Saturday, be sure to write down your top ten wishes (or intentions, or goals) within eight hours of the new moon (eclipse).

You’re got a longer-than-usual time span to manifest these, but for your own sake, don’t use that as an excuse to ride the brake!

If you need support, share your vision with a friend, your partner or someone else who cares enough about you to hold you accountable. Offer to do the same for them. And of course, I’m here for you.


Saturn Rx & a Gemini New Moon!


What a week it's going to be...