Did someone say BOOM?

Buckle up your seat belts, batten down the hatches, and head for the bunker! It's a hella fin de semana that we’re heading into this week.

On the heels of Saturn and Uranus’ second (of three) seismic squares on June 14, we’re about to experience a few aftershocks.

On Thursday, July 1 (9am ET), Mars swings into an exact opposition with Saturn, whose cautious conservatism is a perfect counterpoint to Mars’ rash impulsiveness. Mars is back to full power in Leo after spending seven languid weeks in Cancer (where’s he’s in fall, or low-power mode), and now he’s rarin’ to go.

This alignment happens just once every other year, and when it does, it can induce energetic whiplash.

Think about it: Mars is about action, speed and competition where Saturn is about getting things done right and sustainably, however long it takes or much it costs. You’ve probably heard the astro cliche about this being like hitting the accelerator and the brake at the same time—only on the Autobahn, in a Porsche 911.

Then on Saturday evening (9pm ET), having seen the cosmic chiropractor, Mars is back in the ring, ready to take on a fearsome opponent, disruptor Uranus. He’s fired up and ready to rumble with Uranus, who has a hard time with the status quo. And in Taurus, kind of the “status quo” sign, Uranus can get mighty twitchy.

Under this transit, also a biennial one, tempers are hair-trigger; it seems like some people wake up braced for a fight. (Pro tip: Don’t take the bait.)

Their combined hectic and distracted energy can also make us accident-prone, so caution is always advised. Is there an upside, you ask? ‘Course! This event can spark brilliant ideas and solutions that took some 730 days to incubate. Hey, if it’s that genius, patent it!

If you have planets, major points or house cusps at 12-13º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), pay attention to what gets activated in you over these next few days. There are big opportunities here for people who can stay grounded in their own field and not become overreactive. (To which I say, good luck with that!)


Lion's Gate 8-8 New Moon in Leo!


Aquarius Full Moon (part 1)